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Monday, March 10, 2014

By A Friend...

Ages it has been…..
My hand still lays stretched out.
For someone I don't know,
For someone I've never seen.
But felt through my thoughts,
The person, my own….
Still has never shown,
The presence I need.
Ah..it pains and makes me weak,
To search in vain for that I seek.

Ages it has been…..
Countless smiles and countless tears,
Though reside deep in my heart,
But still my hand lays stretched out.

Time will tell, as for now I cant spell,
The emotions overflowing,
Resting behind my own words.

Oh God!!!
Is it me??
Whom I long for….

I don't know and shall never will,
Because who in this world has befriended himself?

Ages it has been…
My hand still lays stretched out....
-Preeti Suman... :)